We use a variety of high quality herbs as powders and essential oils in our preparations that have a rich history in both Eastern and Western herbal philosophies.


A beautiful high alpine daisy of the sunflower branch of the Asteraceae Family.

Mountain Tobacco, Mountain Snuff, Wolfsbane, Leopard’s Bane, Wound Herb 

Western Effects
Arnica is known for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and abortifacient effects.
It is used as a respiratory stimulant and antihistaminic.

Arnica is TOXIC internally unless highly diluted.

Arnica is most commonly used to for the treatment of fever and common colds, Bronchitis and coughing, as well as, inflammation of the mouth and Pharynx, skin inflammation, Rheumatism and blunt injuries.
Western Treatment
 Arnica should be used externally for the relief of bruises, pain relief, arthritis, swellings, toothache, mouth sores, sore throat, headaches and stomach cramping.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Shan Jin Che
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Arnica are considered to be 
SP, KD Sweet, Salty and Cool.  

Arnica helps to tonify and move Qi, while also tonifying the Yin and Yang.

Treatment of Arnica in the practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine are to heal bruises faster by treating inflammation, as well as in the treatment of arthritis, sprains, muscle aches, hair loss, dry lips, acne and eczema. 


A bright and cheerful member of the Marigold branch of the Asteraceae Family. 

Pot Marigolds, Golds, Ruddes, Mary Gowdes, Mary’s Gold, Oculus Christi, Mary Bud 

Western Effects
Calendula is most commonly used for its properties as a stimulant, diaphoretic, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiviral, antigenotoxic, emmenagogue and as a powerful astringent. 
Western Treatment
Calendula is used to treat wounds and repair injured tissues that show up as burns, cuts or scrapes. 

It is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can be used to reduce swelling for topical wounds 
or skin irritation.  
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Jin Zhan Ju
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Calendula are considered to be 
SP, LV, HT Sweet, Sour, Pungent and Cool  

Calendula helps to move and tonify blood by increasing blood flow to skin healing wounds and rashes.

It helps to relieve blood stagnation, which can be useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids, swollen glands, menorrhagia, congestive dysmenorrhea, warts, acne.

Calendula helps to reduce inflammation and clear toxins caused by infections, such as hepatitis. 

It can also help to relieve symptoms of toothache, earache, eczema, cysts and open wounds- especially on female reproductive organs including the breasts and digestive tract.

Calendula can also help to tonify the Liver, easing symptoms of menopause disorders, estrogen deficiency, fibroids, and delayed menses.  

Calendula promotes sweating and expels excessive wind heat brought on by ailments such as infections with aches and fever, measles, scarlet fever and smallpox, it also relieves tidal fevers in the Shao Yang and Shao Yin stages.

Calendula tonifies Yin and calms the heart when irritated by insomnia, anxiety or night sweats.  


A potent essential oil distilled from Asian Laurel Trees. 

Western Effects
Camphor is a topical treatment known for its warming & antiseptic properties. 

It is a mild analgesic and CNS Stimulant beneficial for cardiovascular health, and as a gastrointestinal stimulant and pharmokinetic.   
Western Treatment
Camphor is beneficial in the treatment of arrhythmia, cough & bronchitis. 

Used in cases of hypotension, nervous heart complaints and Rheumatism.

It is used topically as a bronchial secretolytic & bronchiospasmolytic. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Zhang Nao
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Camphor are considered to be
HT/ SP/ LU Acrid, Pungent and Warm to Hot.    


It can be used to dispel wind dampness and kill parasites. 

Camphor opens sensory orifices & helps to expel turbitity through aromatic cleansing.

It invigorates the blood, reduces inflammation & alleviates pain. 


A delightfully spicy member of the Capsicum Annuum Family. 

Red Pepper, African Pepper, African Chillies, Guinea Spice, Cow-horn Pepper, Bird Pepper

Western Effects
Cayenne Pepper is best known for its properties as an anti-inflammatory, stomachic, aphrodisiac, stimulant, alterative, rubefacient, carminative, digestive, antiseptic and diaphoretic, antineoplastic, antimicrobial and is a great source of Vitamin C.

 It is best used for detoxification, gastroprotective and thrombolytic purposes.  
Western Treatments
Best used for treatment of muscular tension and rheumatism. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Cayenne are considered to be

The use of Cayenne Peppers promotes Yang Qi.

It can help to tonify the spleen and stomach. 

Cayenne aids poor digestion and warms the body. 

It can be used in applications to protect from diarrhea and vomiting.

Cayenne Promotes Circulation of Qi and blood by moving blood and Qi, opening channels and clearing obstructions. 

It is a blood cleanser that dissipates cold stagnation making it great for use on frostbite, pain due to cold, arthritis, muscular tensions and rheumatism. 


An invigorating aromatic herb made from the inner bark of 
Asian Evergreen Trees. 

Cinnamon Twig & Cinnamon Bark, Chinese Cassia, Chinese Cinnamon

Western Effects
Cinnamon is most commonly used as an anti-inflammatory and is revered for its powerful antiviral & antibacterial, antifungal, anticoagulant, anti-parasitic and circulatory stimulant properties.

It is a stomach protectant used in cases of ulcers.

Cinnamon has the capacity to effect thermoregulation and in the treatment of asthma.

It acts as a diuretic and immune-stimulant. 
Western Treatments
Cinnamon can be used for the treatments of colds & flus including digestive disorders.

It is also useful in the treatment of muscle & sinew injury.  
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Gui Zhi/ Rou Gui
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of the Cinnamon Twig are considered to be
  Pungent, Sweet, Warm, HT/ LU/ UB  

The Cinnamon Twig can help to adjust nutritive and protective Qi by releasing the exterior.

Cinnamon Twig warms the channels and disperses cold by facilitating the flow of Yang Qi.

It warms and facilitates flow in blood vessels and warms Yang to eliminate water or phlegm stagnation. It is also known to warm Yang in Chong & Ren, as well as, warm Yang in the Chest.

The effects of the Cinnamon Bark are considered to be  
Acrid, Sweet, Hot HT/KD/ LV/ SP    

Cinnamon Bark tonifies the Kidney by fortifying Yang and augmenting Ming Men.

It leads fire back to the source and helps to dispel cold while it warms the Spleen.

Cinnamon bark disperses cold, warms channels, unblocks vessels & alleviates pain by encouraging generation of Qi & Blood.


An extract from the hardy Eucalyptus Tree of the Myrtle Family.

Blue Gum Tree, Stringy Bark Tree, Strawberry Gum, Fever Tree Leaf 

Western Effects
Eucalyptus is most commonly used as a stimulant, antiseptic, disinfectant, analgesic and anodyne.

It contains antibacterial, anti-cancer and antispasmodic properties.

Eucalyptus is an expectorant and febrifuge. 

It is a bitter, depurative, refrigerant, vulnerary, diuretic and astringent. 

Can be used as mouthwash and has some antimalarial action.

Used in the treatments of Tuberculosis, Bronchitis, Croup, allergies and arthritis. it can also be used for burns, cuts and wounds, herpes, and sore throats. 
Western Treatments
Eucalyptus opens the lungs and encourages breathing. It also treats respiratory infections, expels worms, and reduces blood sugar levels.    

It's used most commonly as an antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral and for its anti-aging properties. 

Eucalyptus is used for respiratory and sinus infections, as a decongestant and for matters of rheumatism and arthritis.

Eucalyptus is also great for soothing sore muscles. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Eucalyptus are considered to be 
Pungent, Acrid, UB/LU Warm  

Eucalyptus promotes sweating and releases to the exterior relieving wind.

It is a source of heat for use against sore throat, cold, aches, pains, sinusitis, headaches and acute rheumatism.  

Eucalyptus soothes the Lungs and helps to expels phlegm caused by bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. 

It clears toxins and supports immunity for use against lung infections, urogenital infections and skin eruptions.  

Eucalyptus also reduces inflammation by relieving nerve pain, neuralgia, wounds and burns.

It can help to expel parasites and repels bothersome insects such as roundworm, pinworm, lice, and can be used as an effective insect repellent. 


The full spectrum hemp oil we use contains all of the phytocannabanoids, terpenes and other compounds from the plant to give our customers the benefits of the whole plant rather than just an isolated compound. 

Hemp naturally contains many beneficial compounds including more than 100 cannabinoids, terpenes and flavanoids and others that are yet to be discovered. 

Our CBD salves contain more than just CBD- 

they contain the complete hemp extract, 
just as nature intended.


A beautiful sweet scented herb of many uses from the Lamiaceae Family. 

Elf Leaf, Spike, Old English Lavender, True Lavender 

Western Effects
Lavendar is most commonly used for its antibacterial, sedating, anti-depressant, analgesic, antiseptic, expectorant, vulernary, carminative, anti-inflammatory, insecticide and antispasmodic properties.
Western Treatments
Lavender is used as an antiseptic and antifungal to treat ailments such as respiratory infections, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and PMS among other problems such as skin conditions, burns, hair loss, insomnia and nervous tension 
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Xun Yi Cao
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Lavender are considered to be 

Lavender helps to clear heat and expel toxicity that shows up as palpation’s, anger, acne, wounds, lice, scabies, intestinal worms, scalds, sore throat and cough.  

It helps to expel wind and relieve itching that can manifest in the forms of cold and flu caused by excess of  wind or heat showing as fever, eczema, rashes including nettle rash or for use against bites and headaches.

Lavender reduces inflammation caused by eye infections, ulcers and gangrene.

It helps to circulate Qi for use against asthma, bronchitis, depression, flatulence and low back pain. 

Lavender is also known to promote menstration, soothe the giving of childbirth, as well as, help with problems of infertility and expels after birth.


Derived from Peppermint or other forms of Mint or Corn Mint.


Western Effects
Menthol is best known for its uses as a cooling analgesic that diminishes skin sensation causing numbing.
Western Treatments
Used to treat occasional minor irritation, pain, sore mouth, and sore throat as well as cough associated with a cold or inhaled irritants.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
 See Peppermint


An invigorating and soothing herb from the Lamiaceae Family.


Western Effects
 Peppermint is known for its effects as an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and GB digestive stimulant.
Western Treatments
Used in the treatment of nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, respiratory infections, dysmenorrhea, colds & flus 
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Bo He
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Peppermint are considered to be
Acrid, Aromatic Cool/ LU/ LV  

Peppermint assists in releasing the exterior and dispelling wind-heat in association with fever, cough, headache, red eyes and throat  

It helps to clear the head, brighten the eyes and benefit the throat by opening orifices & clearing the sinuses.

Peppermint can also vent rashes such as early stage rash like Measles.

It soothes and relieves liver Qi stagnation by relieving pressure in chest or flank. Which also assists in emotional instability and gynecological disorders

Peppermint disperses turbid Qi from the abdomen caused by ailments such as gastric distress, abdominal pain, vomit, diarrhea and a yellow greasy tongue.


A commonly used Thistle like herb (Carthamus Tinctorius)


Western Effects 
Safflower is most commonly used as a stimulant, purgative, antihydrotic, abortifacient and exptectorant.

Western Treatments
Safflower is soothing for coughs and Bronchial conditions. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Hong Hua
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of Safflower are considered to be
Acrid, Slightly Bitter, Sweet, Lukewarm HT/LV/LU  

 Safflower invigorates the blood, dispels blood stasis, opens the channels, unblocks menstruation and alleviates pain caused by obstetric and gynecological disorders, abdominal masses or accumulations.

It helps in the alleviation of joint pain, dermatological disorder and chest pain

Safflower is primarily used for external wounds to stop bleeding without causing stagnation.


A well known herb of the Western Pharmacopeia from the Hypericaceae Family.

Tipton’s Weed, Chase-Devil, Klamath Weed, Touch and Heal, Goatweed, 
(Alternative Pinyin: Tu Lian Qiao, Guan Ye Jin Si Tao) 

Western Effects
St. John's Wort is best known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant properties.

 It promotes tissue repair and is an analgesic and antibiotic. 
Western Treatments
Useful for the treatment of ADHD, depression and nerve injury. 
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Guan Yi Lian Qiao
In practices of Traditional Chinese Medicine the effects of St. John's Wort are considered to be
Bitter, Acrid, Astringent, Neutral, LV  

St. John's Wort is used to clear heat, eliminate toxins and reduce swelling caused by carbuncles, snake and bug bites, sores, urinary tract infections, red eyes and tonsillitis. 

It is used to stops bleeding associated with hemoptysis, hermatemsis, and bleeding due to trauma.

St. John's Wort dispels wind dampness and relieves muscle aches and pains.   

It helps to calm Shen and smooths Qi regulating Liver Qi to treat depression.
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